% cMsg = "*** 请登录!***" 'Create database connection Set zhitong = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") zhitong.ConnectionTimeout = Session("zhitong_ConnectionTimeout") zhitong.ConnectionString = Session("zhitong_ConnectionString") zhitong.Open 'Check the action cUid = Trim(LTrim(Request("cUid"))) If IsNull(cUid) Then cUid = "" End If cPwd = Trim(LTrim(Request("cPwd"))) If IsNull(cPwd) Then cPwd = "" End If cUType = Trim(LTrim(Request("cUType"))) If IsNull(cUType) Or cUType = "" Then cUType = "APPLY" End If cAction = Trim(LTrim(Request("cAction"))) If IsNull(cAction) Or cAction = "" Then cMsg = "" ElseIf cAction = "登录" Then 'Check the login account If cUid = "" Then cMsg = "帐号不能为空!" Else If cUType = "APPLY" Then cSql = "select username,status from userfile where userid = '" + cUid + "' and password = '" + cPwd + "'" Else cSql = "select unitname,status from unitfile where unitid = '" + cUid + "' and password = '" + cPwd + "'" End If Set Result = zhitong.Execute(cSql) If Result.Eof Then Result.Close Set Result = Nothing cMsg = "帐号或密码错误!" Else If IsNull(Result("STATUS")) Or Trim(Result("STATUS")) <> "Y" Then Result.Close Set Result = Nothing cMsg = "此帐号已被禁用!" Else If cUType = "APPLY" Then Session("cUserId") = cUid Session("cUserName") = Trim(Result("username")) Else Session("cUnitId") = cUid Session("cUnitName") = Trim(Result("unitname")) End If Result.Close Set Result = Nothing zhitong.Close Set zhitong = Nothing If cUType = "APPLY" Then Response.Redirect "JobApply/JobApplyList.asp" Else Response.Redirect "JobWant/JobWantList.asp" End If End If End If End If ElseIf cAction = "注册" Then 'new register zhitong.Close Set zhitong = Nothing If cUType = "APPLY" Then Session("cUserId") = "" Session("cUserName") = "" Response.Redirect "JobApply/JobApplyRegNotes.htm" Else Session("cUnitId") = "" Session("cUnitName") = "" Response.Redirect "JobWant/JobWantRegNotes.htm" End If End If %>
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